Do Not Tweet at an IEP Meeting… and other tips and strategies to negotiate special education services. Attorney Anne Treimanis shares effective advocacy tips for families who have children with disabilities. She is unable to represent every student receiving special education services, so the best of what she knows is right here! These strategies are designed for families, advocates, and attorneys. Anne Treimanis has dedicated her entire career fighting for families and students, initially as a social worker and then for thirty years as an attorney.
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An Educational Guide by Dorene Philpot, Attorney
When a parent is faced with dissatisfaction with the special education services his or her child is offered or receiving, sometimes filing a special education due process hearing request with the state and school district is the only means to break through the logjam. And sometimes school districts force the issue by filing against parents.
Going to a hearing is a difficult decision to make, but once it is made, if you must represent yourself in a hearing, you will need to learn some tips on how to do the best job you can for your child. That ís where Do-It-Yourself Special Education Due Process, An Educational Guide comes in.
Sometimes parents represent their children in hearings because there are no available attorneys who are experienced in special education matters or due to financial constraints.
Only you can decide if you have the emotional fortitude or the need to go to a due process hearing. If you decide to travel that road, then Do-It-Yourself Special Education Due Process, An Educational Guide is intended to help educate you as to that process.
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